Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not so bad... and actually, really fun!

As my last post suggests, I've really never liked public speaking. Actually, that's putting it mildly. I've always downright dreaded it! Of course, I've learned to get past this, since it's obviously an important skill. But I never actually had fun speaking to a large audience.

That all changed with TEDx yesterday. Drawing from coaching lessons from the Ariel Group (an incredible firm that focuses on leadership presence and is so much fun to work with), I took a few deep breaths and set my intention: to inspire.

Then I got on stage and had fun. As I learned: a fundamental shift starts to happen when you stop being consumed with how others are perceiving you, and instead, let your passion shine through.

Not quite sure it was the best talk I ever gave (as TED inspires this to be!), but I certainly was more present than ever before. I was even able to laugh when a stand-up comedian came on long after me, and said to the audience: "Is Tricia here?" -- when he didn't see me wave my arm, continued with -- "OK, good, we can talk about her now." Ha. I'm learning it's a big relief to stop taking myself so seriously.

Here's a short snippet from the end of my talk, which sometimes I can use some reminding of myself:

My point here is this: in finding what you're passionate about, you may very well feel like you're disappointing people you love, or feel like you're letting down people who have very different expectations for you. But let me assure you, this is only temporary--

Because there's nothing like the light that shines from people who live their life passionately, deliberately, and courageously.

An incredible mentor, Jacqueline Novogratz, often says: "To whom much is given, much is expected."

That inspires me.

What inspires you?

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