Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ghana livin'

I dare you to walk down the main street of Osu, in Accra, and not smile. On any given night, there's upbeat music blasting from huge speakers every few blocks. My walk back from dinner tonight feels like I'm in a music video. There's a big open bar under a tent; people sitting and swaying along to the music. A little girl about 5 years old, wearing a teeny white mini-skirt, shakes her little hips to the music, a huge smile on her face. Even when her mother grabs her hand to cross the street, her dancing doesn't stop. She sashays across the street, still bending her knees to the music. In front of her are a pair of two mothers, babies strapped tight across each of their backs with a wide strap of cloth, eyes wide and taking everything in.

It's a funny thing to say, but Accra just feels so relaxing after India. I essentially only have to look two ways before crossing the street, and cars actually stop on the road to let you pass. Despite the ubiquitous and quite dangerous drainage holes along the sidewalk, there is essentially, a sidewalk! Delicious donuts and gelato are a stone's throw from Catherine's place in Osu, where I'm staying. Life is good! Akwaaba!

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