Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Motherland

I never thought I'd say this, but there really is something magical about Manila. I certainly didn't feel that way the first time I came to the Philippines when I was 19. Back then, Manila was smoggy and dirty and loud and crowded. And I'm sure it still is - especially someone coming from crisp and clean New England.

But coming from Delhi, I've never seen Manila so clear and clean, with bright blue skies and infrastructure that just works. The airport was insanely efficient. Even with immigration I went from leaving the plane to getting in a car in literally fifteen minutes! (granted, I didn't have any bags to claim, but there also weren't random luggage checks and extra security clearances!)

By just comparing the two capital cities, you wouldn't think that India and the Philippines have a similar GDP per capita (adjusted for PPP): $3920 for the Philippines (125th, just below Mongolia, according to the IMF, 2010) vs. $3408 for India (129th, just below Tuvalu in Polynesia). In terms of infrastructure and buildings themselves, Manila just feels so much more incredibly advanced.

Shockingly, the hotel car is equipped with WiFi, and I'm actually able to call Tyler from Skype! As we drive through Manila, I can't help but notice how good the roads were, how cars follow rules, and how many international brands there are everywhere (Starbucks! California Pizza Kitchen!)

But the Philippines will always be the Philippines. Before entering the hotel, I stop to pet the adorably cute "drug dog", who really is more of a puppy looking for love than an intimidating dog sniffing for drugs. After playing with him him for a while, I stand up to leave... but not before his handler immediately sprays copious amounts of disinfectant all over my hand!!

Well, I'm now off to explore (read: buy a cafe latte and purchase a sim card). Mabuhay!!!

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