Saturday, October 1, 2011

Adventures in Indian Fashion

An unintended benefit of moving to Delhi is I now get to wear jeans outside my flat, without stares and looks as though I'm a girl of loose morals.

Hyderabad is one of the more conservative cities I've experienced in India. Women do not expose their legs nor their shoulders; at times I would feel self-conscious wearing a long skirt if the skirt did not go down to my feet. And unless I were in the gym, I would never wear a sleeveless top.

Contrast this with a city like Bombay. When Tyler and I went to a friend's wedding, we couldn't help but ogle at the red carpet fashion statements: jewel-encrusted saree tops that looked more like bikinis, with gorgeous fabric scooped seductively, leaving bare backs.

I have never seen anything remotely resembling this in Hyderabad. A friend of mine was working out in the gym in usual t-shirt and sweatpants gym attire. Two women came up to her to tell her to pull her t-shirt down -- while jogging, [gasp!] she was exposing an inch of skin on her lower back!

I remember when I myself just started working out in Hyderabad. I was all but ostracized my first day, when I wore a tank top and shorts to work out. On the treadmill next to me, a woman wore a full burka. I saw our reflections in the mirror and decided I would need to buy different workout clothes...

Comfort and style aside, fashion in India is fascinating, in part, because it lends a different window through which to view change and the ubiquitous push and pull between tradition and modernity.

So given that, this ad made me smile:

From the NYT Blog, 9/29/11.

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