Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Clinton Global Initiative

It's been really exciting reading all the updates from the Clinton Global Initiative, which started yesterday in NYC.  President Obama kicked off the event, highlighting the importance of what we can all do as individuals, saying:

"This week, even as we gather at the United Nations to discuss what governments can do to confront the challenges of our time, even as we're joined tonight by so many presidents and prime ministers -- this Global Initiative reminds us what we can do as individuals: that you don't have to hold public office to be a public servant."

Of course, he wasn't addressing any old individuals -- there are about 60 current and former presidents and heads of state, and hundreds of CEOs and leaders from the private sector and NGO worlds in attendance.

I was excited to learn what a large role global health and investing in women & girls would have in this year's event.  In fact, it was a huge honor that LifeSpring was invited to speak on a panel about enterprise-based strategies in health and education, moderated by Madeleine Albright. While it didn't work out this year, it's really quite incredible that a one-and-a-half year old organization was asked to speak at an event like this.

What's cool about the CGI is that conference attendees are expected to make concrete commitments and articulate clear steps they will take to tackle global challenges that include health, education, energy and climate change, and economic empowerment.

And my favorite part?  Those who don't follow through on their commitments are not allowed to return.

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