Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas in Delhi

If Delhi's got something over Hyderabad on Christmas, it's that it's pretty darn cold so at least it actually feels like Christmas! (for me, anyway... Tyler spends his Christmases in LA with his family and the Christmas tree lot, so perhaps Hyderabad feels more like home to him!)

We woke up early on Sunday, spoke to my cousins over Skype, and then headed to Christmas mass.  I've never quite thought about this before, but the Vatican (Holy See) has an embassy in Delhi -- not too far from the Pakistani embassy and down the street from the American and Chinese embassies.  This is the only embassy I've been to where there hasn't been insane security (we laughed at the huge gun sitting unmanned as you walk inside).  We enjoyed Christmas mass in a cozy little chapel, presided by two Latin priests who sang quite a lot of hymns in Latin.  We blasted out Joy to the World and O Come Let Us Adore Him.

Later that day, we finally broke out our brand new tandoor oven (well, new from about three months ago; we figured Christmas was a pretty good excuse to finally take it out of the box!)  Of course, things don't come straight from the box to use very easily in India.  Our brand new power strip sparked out while the tandoor was smoking and clearing all kinds of enamel and other debris.

Since our power strip died, our tandoor now needed to compete with our fridge -- only one could be plugged in at any one time.  With my new Punjabi khana cookbook in hand, we lovingly prepared the marinate to soak all the vegetables in.  We couldn't wait to eat our delicious Christmas meal!!

Note to self: perhaps it's not the best idea to open presents while the food is cooking, especially when one of the presents is a new Kindle that we both became obsessed with exploring!

Christmas dinner got a little burnt... who's up for TGI Fridays?

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