Friday, September 23, 2011

In Sickness and in Health

Sick. How is this possible only two days after we arrive? It always feels just wrong to have a bad cold or the flu in 90 degree weather.

Thank goodness for Airborne, which has the best marketing tactic ever. Take at the first sign of a cold. Darn, I took it too late -- that's why it's not working!! We've been inhaling Airborne and drinking grapefruit juice like candy. Just grateful it's Friday and we can relax and get better this weekend.

Of course, I google "cure for a fever". pops up. Curious, I click on it and learn more than I ever wanted to about Indian home remedies:

  • The simplest and the most effective home remedy for common fever is to have a decoction of basil leaves. Take about 12 grams of basil leaves and boil them in half liter water. Intake this once a day to relieve from common fever.
  • Saffron also works very well in treating common fever. Put half a tsp of saffron in 30ml of boiling water. After the water has been boiled, prepare tea out of it. Let the person suffering from it have a tsp of this tea after every hour.
  • Prepare a tea using half a tsp of fenugreek seeds. It would not only providing a soothing effect but would also dissolves the mucus accumulated in the chest.
  • Raisins are also effective in curing a person of common fever. Saturate 25 raisins in ½ cup of water. Once soaked, crush them in the same water. Strain the mixture and add ½ tsp of lime juice to it. Have this tonic two times a day.
  • Mix 10 grams each of raisins and fresh ginger. Crush this mixture and immerse it in 200ml of water. After about an hour, boil this decoction until the quantity of the water reduces to 50ml. drink this decoction when warm. It would cure common fever effectively.
Wow, and to think, I was just going to take a Day-Quil!

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