Thursday, March 1, 2012

Here comes the sun

It's an undeniable first sign of spring here: the street dogs no longer have their coats on.

Every winter, somewhat mysteriously, all the street dogs get clothed in warm doggie jackets.  It's always funny seeing their reactions... you can almost make out some saying, "Someone loves me, I have a jacket on,"... while others wearing somewhat ridiculous versions (e.g. a human sweatshirt that does not fit) say: "What are you looking at?!"  Still others chew their jackets to bits and then seem somewhat remorseful at the end.  We gather it must be an NGO looking out for the street dogs in Delhi.

Walking around in Khan Market today, dozens of dogs are now naked, basking in the sun -- whether that happens to be in the middle of the street or right in front of a store door.

Delhi just feels happier in warmer weather, as though it's emerged from its own hibernation of solitude.  The outdoor cafes of Khan Market are crowded, and cultural festivals such as this weekend's Sufi festival at Humayn's tomb abound (picture the outdoor music festivals at Central Park, but this one is at a UNESCO World Heritage site that was built in the 1500s).

We joke that there are only about two months each year where Delhi's weather is perfect... its unique geographic situation makes it such that Delhi is absolutely boiling in the summer (110 degrees is unfortunately quite common)... and surprisingly frigid in the winter (exacerbated by no insulation or heaters).  What's crazy is just how fast this change happens.  We literally went from using the heater at night two weeks ago, to last week wanting to turn on the air conditioner (and settling for the fan instead).  So much for any gradual transitions!

This year, rather than complain at how soon monsoon season will start, we're just enjoying it while we still can.

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