Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy (almost) Mother's Day!

Got a pleasant surprise from Google this morning, who alerted me of a blog post titled "The best Mother's Day present EVER!!" I clicked on it, to find cheerful photographs of mothers who had delivered their babies at LifeSpring Hospital, along with a write-up on our hospital.

The blog's author, Betty Londergan, has an interesting story to tell. She saw the movie Julie and Julia, went home, and thought about what SHE would write about if she were to blog for a year. Her conclusion: give her money away and write about that!

Hence she set forth on her "What Gives" blog: "365 days of putting my money where my mouth is."

In her words: "Here's the plan: Every day for 365 days I'm going to give $100 to causes, people, and organizations that I believe are doing good work and are worthy of support. And every day, I'm going to write about why I chose to give - which hopefully will inspire other people to give a few bucks of their hard-earned money, too. Or not. Whatever the outcome, I'll at least have the deep pleasure of finding, supporting, and shining a light on 365 people, places and things that are making the world a better place."

She's quick to point out that she's not rich, and that she and her husband "managed to lose a nauseatingly high percentage of the dollars we painstakingly saved during our many long years on the planet" due to the financial crisis. Makes the project that much more interesting. After all, some things are worth more than money.

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